Beyond Venture Funding, an online event, is at 3.00pm on Tuesday 17 May. You can register here.
Research shows that traditional venture capital approaches do not provide the best solutions for some technologies and innovations – particularly in the manufacturing, processing and energy sectors. The risk is that potentially useful and valuable innovations are overlooked or lost.
This session with Williams Advanced Engineering and Frontier IP explores other ways to developing, financing and managing innovative early-stage technology companies to address these market failures. Learn from the panel, ask questions and share your expereinces in the breakout discussions.
The event features two companies developing cutting-edge technologies to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, Aerofoil Energy and Pulsiv, will highlight some of the alternatives available, from technology co-development, joint venturing and licensing, to hands-on support for commercialisation. They will help to provide a basis for further discussion for a Q&A and subsequent break out sessions.